
Support Services

Harmed Parties Support Services is a program which addresses the needs of harmed parties and affected parties who have experienced a crime or an accident in the community.

Through our partnership with the St. Johnsbury Police Department, we are able to identify harmed parties who have recently reported a crime or an accident. We may also identify harmed parties through other sources such as schools or direct calls from those who did not report the incident to the police. In addition, cases involving harmed party(s) may be referred to our agency for a restorative justice process.

The Victim Outreach Liaison contacts all harmed parties through a phone call or a letter to gain a better understanding of their experiences as well as provide support and information about resources as needed. Our purpose is to help people feel safe and connected to the community.

We also provide education about our restorative justice processes which offer the opportunity for harmed parties to participate in a variety of ways, if they choose, in holding a responsible party accountable for his/her actions and repairing the harm done to the harmed parties and the community. (See “Restorative Justice Programs”) If a responsible party is referred to our agency and victims choose to be involved, the Victim Outreach Liaison will continue to support them throughout this process.

Contact: Stephanie Rowe, Victim Outreach Liaison


Phone: (802) 748-2977. Ext 102

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