The Community Restorative Justice Center’s Legal Clinic is made possible by a grant from the Vermont Bar Association. The Legal Clinic meets once a month, generally the third Monday. Local Attorneys can meet with low-income clients for up to 30 minutes to provide legal advice for a particular legal issue a person is having. Clinic attorneys can give advice, but do not provide legal representation. The Legal Clinic does not deal with criminal legal issues. The legal clinic is a service only for people who cannot otherwise afford to pay for the services of an attorney.
Please call to make an appointment as it takes time for the attorneys to run a conflict check.
If, after your meeting with an attorney, you will need ongoing legal assistance, a referral can be made at the end of your session to a local attorney with the expertise you need.
For more information, or to make an appointment, please call 748-2977.
The assistance of the legal clinic coordinator is available to area residents in need of problem solving in order to resolve their issues. The CRJC staff can assist with the completion of forms and applications, suggest approaches to resolving problems, identify legal and non-legal resources available to the resident and make referrals to the CRJC’s Legal Clinic, Vermont Legal Aid, private attorneys and other legal assistance as appropriate.
For the Legal Program Coordinator contact:
Susan Russell, (802) 745-1363,