Reentry Programs

Circles of Support and Accountability

Circles of Support and Accountability (CoSA) are small teams of 3 to 5 volunteers and the Reentry Coordinator that meet once weekly for a period of one year to provide a circle of support and accountability to offenders that are re-entering the community.

CoSA has four primary goals:

  1. To improve community and harmed party safety.
  2. To improve the coordination of the support, service and community connections for the individual.
  3. To establish and maintain clear expectations in regards to healthy and postitive community behaviors.
  4. To repair the relationships between the individual and the community by facilitating restorative activities and restitution of harm accomplished through various means.

Reentry Navigation

Reentry Navigation consists of providing enhanced connections for the formerly incarcerated individuals. This may include assistance with referrals to relevant service agencies and resource identification within a community. It is intended to serve individuals for a short term period with the greatest intensity during the first three months following a release from prison. All participants must be under supervision of the Dept. of Corrections. Any supervised individual may self-refer for navigation services.

Contact for Reentry Coordinator:

Susan Russell, (802) 745-1363,

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