Restorative Justice Panels

Target Population: Victims of crime or misconduct and the offenders who have committed those offenses.

Outcomes: Victims will have the opportunity to participate in the process of holding the offenders accountable for their actions and assuring the harm done by their offenses is repaired. Offenders will (1) understand the consequences of their actions; (2) repair the harm done to victims and their communities; (3) be held accountable for their actions; (4) learn ways to avoid re-offending. Activities: Affected parties participate in reparative board meetings. In most cases a reparative agreement is reached and the offender performs its terms, in most cases within 90 days after the date of the agreement. The Community Restorative Justice Center staff monitors performance.

Referral Process: Cases may be referred by law enforcement, State’s Attorney, Public Defender, Court, Judge, school personnel or other source. Referrals are made by transmittal of information on the offense, the legal status of the case, and how to contact the parties. Staffing Needs: The program requires a pool of community volunteers trained in restorative justice. Protocol: Cases are reviewed and developed by the Restorative Justice Coordinator to assure they are appropriate for this program, to maximize the benefit to both victims and offenders, and to determine the best dispute resolution process to be used. Referring agencies and organizations receive notice of the date and time of the meeting or session, if attendance is appropriate. Reparative agreements are strictly confidential unless all parties agree to their release. CRJC staff monitors performance of agreements and recommend case closure when the terms have been met. Cases are referred back for further disposition if the terms are not met.

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